This is a collaborative project. Yan Shao was my partner, and we worked together to create this stop-motion animation called "Cycle." During the storyboard phase, we both had our own stories to tell, but in the end, we combined our elements to create this world seen by a white clay figure after eating poisonous mushrooms.

In my hometown, many people go to the mountains to pick mushrooms for cooking, even though they know they are poisonous. Sometimes, people get poisoned and need medical attention because they didn't cook the mushrooms properly. However, nobody complains that the mushrooms are poisonous. Instead, they blame themselves for not cooking them properly. People die yearly from mushroom poisoning in my hometown, but it doesn't reduce people's enthusiasm for mushrooms.

Yan Shao and I created this story against this backdrop. The white clay figure wakes up in the forest and can't resist eating the mushrooms before him. He then experiences hallucinations, such as uncontrollable expressions, a sudden pink door appearing before him, and being sucked into a world where he dances with star monsters in the night sky. When the poison wears off, he seems to forget everything he just experienced and eats the mushrooms again, falling into an endless cycle.