This project is illustrated for the short story “Submarine at Night”. 

“During the day, the same floor in a small county town surrounded by mountains; at night, as soon as I pressed a button on my desk, the interior of the entire floor was transferred to a submarine, which sailed at sea. My parents were asleep in the next room without knowing anything. It was dark outside the window, so it’s hard to tell if it was night or the seawater.” 

Submarine at Night 

Fiction illustration 

“The shabby bed in the old room is too cozy, which is overlapping countless times in my same posture among millions, growing up layer by layer like a Russian nesting doll.” 

“My mother, a piano teacher, decided to teach me to develop concentration. I began to practice my fingering painfully. The black and the white keys changed into pandas and penguins in my eyes. I ended up feeling like I was tickling a zebra.” 

“Submarines periodically surfaced at designated coordinates to contact with the private jets of merchant. The aircraft brought in supplies and brought back footage from cameras mounted on the submarine's exterior, accompanying merchant every night in the splendid marine photo.” 

“Borges stood on the deck and dropped a coin into the sea on a cold night in 1966, which fell into the dark waves with the warmth of his finger.” 

“I can sleep in the seedpod of the lotus, swim in the clouds, walk on the blackboard, track the blue whale in the ink screen, I can be scolded by the teacher while floating in space, no one can control or catch me.” 

“I opened the book and stared for half an hour at the names of a dozen editors on the front page, gauging their personalities, faces, and lives. My mind shoots out thousands of vines, each splits millions of branches, spreading all over the classroom silently until inundating everyone.” 


Kunming Travel Guide